Dental Health Topics

Topical Application of Fluoride (Adult) (Excluding Prophylaxis) - Dental Procedure Code Description

The topical application of Fluoride is a generally recommended treatment for maintaining gingival and tooth health for at-risk adults, and can be performed in a number of ways at your dental office.
Fluoride is an element that helps slow the progress of tooth decay by increasing the rate of enamel mineralization, and decreasing its demineralization. Mineralization refers to the process whereby essential minerals that support a hardened, healthy enamel, are resupplied to the tooth after loss caused by acid erosion. Acids from direct food consumption, and those created as a by-product of Streptococcus mutans feeding on carbohydrates in our mouths contribute to this erosion.
When the demineralization of teeth progresses without regular remineralization, the pores within the tooth enamel become larger, allowing more acids to penetrate the surface, and allowing further decay.  Topical fluoride treatments help arrest this decay cycle by proactively remineralizing the enamel. 
Most of us have had a topical fluoride treatment at some point in our lives. Generally speaking, the process involves either the application of fluoride via a foam or gel that placed in a disposable tray and kept in the mouth for a specific period of time, or via a varnish applied directly to the teeth. While many of us have experienced fluoride treatments as children, after the age of eighteen, treatments can continue based upon a person's general oral health and the recommendations of a dentist. Adults continue to have fluoride treatments for this very reason.

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