Just as our outward physical anatomy differs from person to person, the internal anatomy of our mouths is similarly unique. And when transplant surgery or preparation for a prosthesis requires a level, bump free ridgeline in the roof or bottom of the mouth, alveoloplasty is usually performed.
Alveoloplasty, named for the spongy alveolar bone that surrounds a tooth's roots, is a surgical procedure used to re-contour supporting bone. It is often used prior to the placement of dentures because without this re-contouring of the bone, a denture would never properly fit the wearer.
Aside from covering the surgery, this dental procedure code also refers to the number of teeth or tooth spaces treated – in this case, at least four in any single quadrant of the mouth.
These quadrants are simply referred to as: upper right, upper left, lower right and lower left. A tooth space in this instance would be an area where a tooth should exist, but does not at the time of surgery due to loss or prior extraction.
With this procedure, surgical tooth extractions are performed first. Once complete, your dentist may need to make an incision along your gumline to provide greater access to the alveolar bone. This creates what is known as a surgical flap.
Once the flap is created, your dentist will fold it down and shave down a portion of the bone wherever is necessary. Your dentist will then either suture or fold the gum tissue back into place, and apply an immediate upper denture or an immediate lower denture.
Follow-up care for this procedure is routine. It will generally involve instructions on how to prevent infection and what sort of diet to consume. Your dentist may also offer a prescription narcotic for pain.
Some bruising may occur, and some surgeons may prescribe antibiotics – particularly if they are concerned about your overall health and the risk of infection.
To look up and find more CDT dental codes from the American Dental Association, please visit our complete Dental Procedure Code Library.