We’ve been there. You’re going through the day, business as usual, when it strikes: a chocolate fix.
And we all know gooey brownies are the perfect treat for that chocolate craving. But one thing that stops you from whipping up a batch: that nagging feeling that your dentist would disapprove.
Or … is that just us?
Well, we did the research for you and found some brownie recipes that are dentist-approved and won’t make your kids say “yuck what is this?” Ready to try them?!
We wouldn’t be dental experts if we said, “Go eat lots of sugar and white flour and gooey caramel!” Instead, we’ll point you in the direction of recipes with less cavity-inducing potential. They’re still sweet of course, but won’t wreck those pearly whites.
Almond Flour Brownies
If you’ve baked with almond flour before, you know that it has the potential to be a bit, well, gritty.
These brownies are anything but, thanks to Humorous Homemaking. You’ll find some ingredients you might have to dig around for, but trust us, this recipe is worth it!
And if you need a lesson in all things almond flour, click here.
“37 Calorie Brownies”
Broma Bakery has formulated a brownie recipe using Greek yogurt, oats, and stevia (read: sans white flour and white sugar). They’re pretty darn good!
And the added boost of calcium from the yogurt helps to strengthen teeth (if you needed an excuse to eat brownies, here ya go). Not to mention – they’re only 37 calories … if you eat just one.
Low Carb Brownies
Alright so they may not be the prettiest, but they’re made with a little something that your dentist wishes more people would make use of: xylitol.
The use of this sugar alcohol means that you need less, or no, actual sugar. Therefore, you can have your brownies and eat them too! Here’s the recipe link!
There you have it! Have fun with them!
And if you end up making Grandma Jenny’s famous caramel brownies instead, we won’t tell Doc. Just make sure to swish with water and brush your teeth after for good measure!