A child’s school experience can ebb and flow.
Certain subjects can be more interesting than others. There are great teachers and some not so great. There are days when their lunchbox comes with a pudding cup, and other days when it doesn’t.
All sorts of things come into play to determine a child’s school enjoyment. But if you find your child often has extreme anxiety or dread when thinking about school, then there might be something else going on.
Let’s look at the possibilities of what could be happening, so that you can start finding a solution for your child.
Is your child being bullied? Do they have supportive friends? Is there a teacher/school administrator/aide that is harsh or impatient? How seriously do the school administrators and teachers handle student complaints or challenges?
Are their classes too challenging? Not challenging enough? Are they having trouble seeing the relevance of what they’re learning?
If your child needs help at school, are they receiving it? Are they perfectionistic and anxious about doing well all the time? Do they love learning but go numb during tests? Are their teachers excited about teaching or are they themselves worn out?
Can they see the board and hear the teacher well? Do they have SPD that prevents them from processing sounds and information the same as other students?
Are there physical challenges such as scoliosis or physical disabilities that prevent them from taking part fully in gym class?
Has anything happened that your child finds difficult to process or is suddenly afraid of? This can even be as simple as witnessing a child becoming ill at school.
If your child generally has a bad experience themselves with vomiting, seeing it at school may be even more difficult.
Does your child wear hand-me-downs that don’t fit properly? Are they embarrassed by what’s in their lunchbox?
While the above is not exhaustive, it’s a good starting place. And of course, some of these things may be related, and some problem areas can compound others.
Try to talk to your child and observe their attitudes and behaviors when it comes to school. Once you figure out what could be the problem, start helping them find a solution.
Work with Your Child to Come up with a Solution
Don’t dismiss your child’s feelings or experiences. The best thing you can do is empower your child while determining what solution is best.
Do they need a tutor? Have them give input into who they would work best with.
Do they need to change classrooms? Help them speak with the school about how to do so peacefully.
Do they need some learning enrichment at home? Find fun ways to incorporate their lessons with daily living.
Do they need a pair of pants that fit? Go on a shopping date.
Do they want less kale and more pudding in their lunchbox? Work with their preferences while keeping a healthy balance!
Your child can learn to love school, or at least find parts of it they love. All you need to do is be there for them, make the process positive, and find supportive ways to encourage a love of learning.